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San Diego Marine Exchange
Awlgrip Polyurethane Enamel Topcoat - Grays

Awlgrip Polyurethane Enamel Topcoat - Grays


Awlgrip Topcoat

Awlgrip Topcoat is a two-part polyester-based high gloss finish, formulated to a provide high-quality aesthetic finish with great durability and chemical resistance. Requires minimal maintenance with an easy mix ratio, and can be combined with a range of reducers for a flexible application and incredible results. For application above the waterline only.

  • Type: Two-Part Aliphatic Linear Polyurethane
  • Outstanding finish lasts longer
  • High gloss and color retention over time
  • Low maintenance and easy to apply
  • Coverage: Spray: 530 Square Feet/Gallon; Brush or Roller: 700 to 725 Square Feet/Gallon
  • Cure Time: Spray: 1 to 4 Hours; Brush or Roller: At Least 16 Hours to Overcoat; 14 Days to Full Cure

Awlgrip Topcoat is a 3 component system that may be brushed/rolled or sprayed. When ordering AwlGrip Topcoat base color, you will also need to choose the appropriate Converter and a Reducer.

Note: The digitized color that appears on the screen and in print are not guaranteed to match the actual product color.

Click on the product thumbnails below for more details


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