"Come Sail with Us" on DVD by Bob Jungels
SKU: 189824
"Come Sail with Us" by Bob Jungels - DVD
A quick and easy DVD to watch that helps one master sailing basics and learn to sail on a keel type sailboat. Great for bareboat charterers, family and inexperienced crew and an excellent review for experienced sailors, too!
This is a valuable home-study video that will do more than familiarize you with the fundamentals skills and the terms used in sailing a cruising type sailboat - this course will help you feel at home with them. That's why "Come Sail With Us..." is such excellent preparation for onboard instruction. Never heavy-handed, this informative video is designed for adults with little or no prior sailing experience.
- Wind power! You will learn the underlying principles of modern sailboats and how they move.
- Coming and going. Proper casting-off and docking procedures are fully demonstrated.
- Off and running. Raising the sails, setting and trimming the sails, and the fundamental sailing maneuvers such as tacking and jibing are all covered.
- Safe sailing. Study "Rules of the Road" and the valuable understanding of weather conditions. Also how to use a marine radio for communicating with other boats and receiving weather forecasts.
- Anchoring. You will learn how to do it right.
- You can get there from here. The basics of navigation are discussed - clearly and concisely. Topics include using a chart, and navigating by dead reckoning.
- Learning the ropes the easy way. You are shown step-by-step how to tie the most commonly used sailor's knots.
This quality video course is highly understandable and is the perfect way to enter the world of sailing and cruising on a keel sailboat!
Run time: 45 minutes.
/ EA
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